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  • T-Notch AMPS Adapter COM-102-PB T-Notch AMPS Adapter COM-102-PB

SIRIUS Mounting Screws

T-Notch AMPS Adapter COM-102-PB

Quick Overview

T-Notch AMPS Adapter


This T-Notch adapter from Bracketron will allow you to mount many XM Satellite Radios with a vertical notch mounting system to a wide variety of vehicle specific mounts, suction cup mounts, vent mounts, or anything else that has the universal AMPS mounting pattern.


  • Bracketron T-Notch AMPS Adapter
  • Mounting hardware

Note:This plate is generally too big if you are using it with an XM Powerconnect Dock. For that use the following plate: TS-01 T Amps Plate

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